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Welcome to The Skills Network new blog page - we thought we’d give you a little introduction to what this page is all about.

Firstly, this is where you’ll find all our latest news, opinions, comments and insights into anything from the education world, to mental health and even tips on how to manage your study time (we make it fun, we promise!) Our blogs are all written by us and we try to keep them relatively concise, although we do love a longer read on the odd occasion! We can, however, guarantee that we will keep this relevant and of interest to you. We love to write and give our insights into the changing educational world, as well as shouting about all the great brands we already work with. This page can offer you a quick ten minute lunchtime escape or indulgence into data insights, so sit back and enjoy our new shiny blog, just waiting for you to come and read!

P.s. feel free to share these!

The Skills Network company timeline
  • 2009 - Launched into the market with only three qualifications. Secured partnerships with five Further Education (FE) colleges.
  • 2010 - Reached 35 members of staff. Began to pioneer vocational training in the health and social care sector.
  • 2011 - Began development of online 'EQUAL Learner Management System (LMS). Published our first paper-based learning resource.
  • 2012 - Daniel Wilson, James Earl and Rachel Kay joined TSN, now our - Commercial Director, Education Sales Director and Partnerships Director. Reached over 100 staff, now supporting over 6,000 learners.
  • 2013 - Introduced the award-winning EQUAL learning platform into the market. Launched our 'Essentials' product range.
  • 2014 - Awarded Matrix Standard and Investors in People. Achieved International Award for EQUAL system. Launched published learning resources into private training market.
  • 2015 - Began working with New awarding bodies - AAT, ILM and CACHE. Voted third in Top 100 SMES in North Yorkshire.
  • 2016 - Awarded first direct Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) contract. Now supporting a landmark 5,000 organisations.
  • 2017 - Opened our London office. Shortlisted for Best Use of E-Learning and Best New Training Provider at AAT Awards.
  • 2018 - Achieved level 2 'Good' Ofsted rating. Supported over 30,000 learners in one year.
  • 2019 - Celebrating our 10-year anniversary. Have now helped over 195,000 people to achieve a recognised qualification!

Exploring Your Opportunities This National Career Week

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK, with this year's event running from 3-8 March 2025. To celebrate this week,...

Celebrating Early Years Educator Successes this National Apprenticeship Week

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

The Skills Network is championing its Early Years Educator Skills Bootcamp this National Apprenticeship Week as it showcases the success stories of candidates who have fast-tracked to an...

Make Plans for Your Professional Development This New Year

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

The start of a new year is the ideal time to set yourself goals, embrace change, and even make a fresh start. It can also be a good time to reflect on the year gone by and plan your professional...

Demystifying AI for FE Educators: 12 Days of AI Christmas

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

Written by: Dr Christopher Tuffnell, FHEA Head of Digital Learning and Teaching at The Skills Network As we prepare to bid farewell to 2024, it’s clear that generative artificial intelligence...

Improving Retention Rates in Early Years Education with Skills Bootcamps

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

Kids Planet is a leading UK-based childcare provider operating a network of over 200 nurseries. Founded in 2008, the group is committed to providing high-quality early years education and care. The...

New Short Courses to Support the Digital Wellbeing of 16-19 Year-Olds

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

As the world increasingly embraces technology, concerns about its impact on young people's mental health are growing. At The Skills Network, we believe it's crucial to equip tutors with the resources...

The Skills Network Addresses World Suicide Prevention Day

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

World Suicide Prevention Day falls on the 10th of September, with this year’s theme set to be ‘Changing the Narrative on Suicide’. The World Health Organisation, original champions of the day...

Improve Your Skillset This Summer

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

Summer is, for most, the season to look forward to all year. It’s a time for holiday and relaxation, but it’s also a time for reflection, a chance to take stock of goals and aspirations for the...

Celebrating our ‘Good’ Ofsted Rating: A Future Committed to Quality

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

The Skills Network has reason to dig out the party hats once more, following its recent award as a Grade 2 Good Ofsted provider, a rating it has proudly maintained since 2018. Through official...

5 Ways AI Tools Help You Progress - Personally and Professionally

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way we live, and work and the potential we can reach. According to government research, around one in six UK organisations, totalling 432,000, have...

Showing 1 to 10 of 187 posts