How does subcontracting work?
Our Partnerships Team lead the way in developing and nurturing partner relationships; whether that is scoping the requirements of a new partner, encouraging monthly review meetings against targets with existing partners or discussing desired additions to our portfolio. We all work together to achieve excellent outcomes for all of our learners. One of the major advantages of subcontracting and a major benefit of working with The Skills Network is the vast amount of expertise and experience within the management team.
Benefits of subcontracting with The Skills Network
- We ensure that our learner find is strategic and in line with your organisation’s aims
- We pride ourselves on our innovative delivery model which includes learner support, quality Tutor feedback and personal choice of learning method
- We impose, and encourage partners to impose, strict quality measures on all areas of the process, allowing the flexibility of externally verifying learners remotely
- We organise face to face review meetings monthly and send weekly progress reports against the project’s targets
- We agree minimum achievement rates at the beginning of a project and strive to improve them
- Our Learner Management System, EQUAL, allows learners, managers and Tutors to use the same system for learning, reporting, tracking and assessing
- Partners are also able to access the system and view a learner’s progress in real-time
- Working with The Skills Network allows organisations to achieve increased productivity and free up time to focus on their core business
Why us?
The Skills Network has a variety of innovative products and services for your organisation. They are a market leader in providing sub-contracted training for both classroom based ASF and ESF funding streams and have a proven track record in helping you achieve consistent growth.
Key statistics...
We have trained over 50,209 learners since 2014
We have delivered over £22,164,232 of training since 2014
We have an overall achievement rate of 91%
Get in touch with our expert team today!
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