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World Health Day

Details: Written by Eleanor Lodge |

Today we celebrate World Health Day at The Skills Network!

An annual event, World Health day draws attentions on health topics and concerns all over the world with this year’s theme of “our planet, our health” shedding light on the need to keep our planet healthy and how this affects the health of us all.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity.

Society calls for greater understanding of green skills, to give people the skills to protect their environment, and with 95% of us working outside of “green jobs” we all have our part to play in protecting the planet.

Here at The Skills Network we’re developing ourselves to support educators and businesses develop their practical knowledge and skills in sustainable living.

We have developed an innovative end-to-end learning solution to meet the demands of sustainability training on a national scale, leading on the delivery of sustainability training and accessing those operating in industries removed from the “green sector”.

Our new suite of fully accredited training courses cover key topics related to environmental sustainability including the control of global warming, reducing carbon emission and efficient energy management, with embedded case studies and activities throughout. Our sustainability content is delivered through two Level 2 Certificates in Sustainability and Sustainability Impact for Work The content is aligned to the global context, addressing the global challenges we face including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity and peace and justice.

As well as incorporating the concepts from the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals , we have embedded key information from the biggest summits on climate change on an international scale, allow the development of the most relevant and expert sustainability training provision produced to date.

To help transform cultures, systems, communities and societies, our course is designed to find ways to meet the people where they are and shrink the distance between the issues we collectively face and the personal choices we make every day.

Find out more about our Sustainability qualification here and become a sustainability champion today.