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Unlocking Potential: Study Programmes

Details: Written by Eleanor Lodge |

In 2013, the DFE (Department for Education) introduced Study Programmes; a compulsory vocational provision for all young people aged 16-19, designed to develop knowledge and skills and create progression gateways into employment or further study.

Alongside an updated funding system through the ESFA, Study Programmes were designed around individualisation, intended to support bespoke development and progression in line with the student’s career plan.

While welcomed by FE and skills providers, a report in 2015 found that “despite widespread acceptance of the importance and usefulness of the 16-19 Study Programmes, some significant weaknesses in the implementation were identified” with many providers offering programmes that did not meet key requirements.

The report found one of the key failings of the implementation of Study Programmes was that “very few providers had made the best use of flexibility” to provide individualised Study Programmes tailored to the needs of their learners.

What is the secret to success?

In a recent report by The Skills Network, it was revealed the power of individualised learning experiences in generational learning, with the learning needs of Gen Z distinct to that of the Baby Boomers. Now, with more studies highlighting the importance of individualisation in education throughout the sector, it’s clear that learning is a unique experience and therefore educational provision must respond.

How do bespoke Study Programmes benefit the student and their future employability?

  • Study Programmes offer a holistic pathway to skills development, opening the doors to further study or employment with programmes built bespoke to each student.
  • The skills developed are all-encompassing, offering skills training beyond just technical skills and instilling a well-rounded future employee.
  • Study Programmes offer direct employability benefits, ensuring a student with skills well prepared for the working world.

Where can I access Study Programmes?

Study programmes and their funding are available to all providers of 16-19 Education, including:

  • FE and Sixth Form Colleges
  • Maintained Schools and Academic Sixth forms
  • 16 – 19 academies
  • Training Providers
  • Some Higher Education Institutes

Providers such as The Skills Network offer a Study Programme provision that is tailored to the learner. A key requirement to Study Programmes delivery, by undertaking training that's tailor-made to the learners' needs through a powerful LMS (Learner Management System), Study Programmes offer a fully managed and evidence-based learning opportunity to best suit the learners aged 16-19.

With courses in career development, self-development and social awareness, find out more about Study Programmes available from The Skills Network via the links below:


(2) The Generational Divide Trend Report