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Learner Case Study - Level 2 Mental Health

Details: Written by Kelly Worsnop |

"I feel very proud I have this qualification in my portfolio and I am really looking forward to completing the level 3 in due course."


I chose to enrol on this course after Government funding became available in our area. For me, it was not an opportunity to be missed and I also needed something to occupy me during my free time. After browsing through the numerous courses available, it was this course that appealed to me the most as I felt it would be really beneficial to my job and on a personal level too.


The course content was very informative and interesting throughout. I especially enjoyed reading the individual case studies within the units which gave good insight into how different mental health problems impact individuals and their lives. I thoroughly enjoyed completing this online course from beginning to end and it certainly excelled my expectations.


In my personal life I have learned ways in which to manage my own anxiety and stress better, and in my job I am more understanding of the certain behaviours displayed by some of our residents, helping me in my approach when dealing with some difficult situations. The main benefit was gaining knowledge of mental health problems, as I think its very important to be able to recognise symptoms of mental health problems in the current times we live in. I feel very proud I have this qualification in my portfolio and I am really looking forward to completing the level 3 in due course as discussed with my specialist advisor.

97% of learners who completed a Mental Health Awareness course (Level 1, 2 or 3) with The Skills Network would recommend us.

If you would like to find out more about our mental health courses, please click here